South Asian Cultural Museum or Cultural Centre in BC | Community Engagement Session by ICA Vancouver
Event Date: Sunday, September 29, 2024
Event Time: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Event Location: Bridge & Enrich Lives Society, Vancouver BC

As part of public engagement opportunities provided by the Province, ICA Vancouver is hosting this public engagement sessions in order to take the public inputs & opinion on certain questions. We would explore some of the questions via community engagement sessions such as:

1) What should be the name of this museum or cultural centre?
2) Where should it be located?
3) What kind of space should it be?

We are glad that the Province of BC has taken an initiative to make a museum or a cultural centre for the Canadians of South Asian Heritage in BC.

This is going to be the first of its kind in Canada, the Museum or Cultural Centre which will aim to reflect the diversity of the South Asian Canadian diaspora in BC –  its history, heritage, arts, culture and languages.

Free Event, Refreshments will be served. If you are able to attend, please register online at eventbrite.


Read more about the project:

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